This guide provides a step-by-step procedure for performing an ECG test using Amedtec ECGpro with LEMR integration to MedicalDirector Clinical. ECGpro is compatible with Amedtec Cardiopart12 USB and Cardiopart12 Blue (Bluetooth) ECG devices.
The instructions below are designed for LEMR version 2023.10.9.1642 and later. If instructions for earlier versions are required, please contact LEMR Support.
3. Open the LEMR widget using the icon on the right side of the window and ensure the patient's height and weight information is up to date. If the height and weight data is out of date or not filled in on the widget, it is best to update this information in the MD Toolbox on the Weight tab. It is recommended to pin the sidebar open until the completed test is imported into MD Clinical. The widget is not active when the sidebar is hidden.
The “pin” button will keep the sidebar open.
4. Click on Start ECG.
5. Select the target LEMR Client (if prompted).
6. LEMR Client will pop up asking to start a test – select ECGpro to start the test.
Note: If LEMR Client does not appear, click on the LEMR Client icon at the bottom of the screen or open LEMR Client from the desktop icon.
Then click on Sync Now at the lower left side of the LEMR Client window.
7. AMEDTEC ECGpro will now open. If the ECG device is properly connected, a patient diagram will be displayed. If you do not see the patient diagram, please follow the directions on-screen to connect your ECG device.
8. Connect all patient electrode leads to the patient according to the diagram on the screen. Start with the Right Leg (labelled either RL or N) electrode as this is the primary lead for checking signal quality. The bars under the patient image will show signal quality from each lead – green is best.
9. Click the big Start Auto button. This button will be disabled if any leads are not connected properly.
You can also use the red start button to start the test, though you must make sure that the blue bar above the timer has reached the end or there will be no interpretation performed on the ECG. This allows you to monitor the patient prior to saving the last 10 seconds of captured ECG trace.
10. The ECG will automatically complete in 10 seconds, then show the review window.
11. Click on the Save button.
12. When the LEMR Client window pops up, the test should be made ready for MedicalDirector Clinical to collect - the test icon will go from an uploading icon to a circled tick.
13. Go back into the patient's file in MedicalDirector Clinical and the report will automatically import into the Documents tab (or the ECG Toolbox if set in widget settings).