This guide provides a step-by-step procedure for performing an ECG test using QRS Diagnostic / Vectracor Office Medic with LEMR integration to Zedmed Clinical. Office Medic is compatible with the QRS Diagnostic Universal ECG and Vectracor SmartECG devices.
The instructions below are designed for LEMR version 2023.10.9.1642 and later. If instructions for earlier versions are required, please contact LEMR Support.
10. Click on the Save button when you have had good ECG data for the last 10 seconds.
11. When the LEMR Client window pops up, the test should be made ready for Zedmed to collect - the test icon will go from an uploading icon to a circled tick.
12. LEMR Server will detect the finished test and automatically import it into Zedmed Clinical. The imported test will be stored in Images/ECG. Click OK.