This guide provides a step-by-step procedure for performing a Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) test using MIR WinSpiroPRO with LEMR integration to Zedmed Clinical. WinSpiroPRO is compatible with the MiniSpir and MiniSpir II devices with firmware prior to 2023. All devices with new firmware must use MIR Spiro Software as they are no longer compatible with winspiroPRO.
The instructions below are designed for LEMR version 2023.10.9.1642 and later. If instructions for earlier versions are required, please contact LEMR Support.
8. Click on the FVC button to start a Forced Vital Capacity test.
9. The testing window is shown. The patient can now perform the test when ready. The National Asthma Council has a great video to demonstrate how a patient performs a Spirometry test here.
The test will automatically start when this window is shown. If you wait too long, the test will “time-out”. Press the Start button to start the test again.
10. If the test result was good, click Accept to keep it.
11. Repeat the test at least 3 times. You should continue to do PRE tests until the repeatability requirements are met.
To view the repeatability data, press the Results button.
Then press Go to FVC PRE.
If this is a pre-only session (e.g. a pre-employment medical) skip to Finish Study
If bronchodilator is required, patient must wait 10–15 minutes after using the bronchodilator and then continue to Post Test
If you need to finish the study now, follow the steps to Finish Study then LEMR will upload the report as it is now to Zedmed. This could be for pre-employment medicals, to do other things in Zedmed or test another patient while waiting for the bronchodilator to work, etc.
Later, during the same day, you can resume a Spirometry session to add more tests (such as post tests).
To do this, simply start another Spirometry test from Zedmed on the same computer you had used earlier. LEMR Client will then offer to resume the study then go to Post Test.
12. Click on POST Bd to start your post-bronchodilator tests.
13. Perform at least 3 Spirometry tests in the same manner as the PRE tests. You should continue to do POST tests until the repeatability requirements are met.
To view the repeatability data, press the Results button.
14. When finished, press the X to close winspiroPRO. Please wait while the report is generated.
15. When the LEMR Client window pops up, the test should be made ready for Zedmed to collect - the test icon will go from an uploading icon to a circled tick.
16. LEMR Server will detect the finished test and automatically import it into Zedmed. The imported test will be stored in Images/ECG. Click OK.