This guide provides a step-by-step procedure for performing an ABPM test using Amedtec ECGpro with LEMR integration to MedicalDirector Clinical. ECGpro is only compatible with Amedtec branded ABPM devices.
If you have already programmed the recorder, and the patient has come back to import the results from the device, go to the Download Data from the Recorder section. Otherwise, always start at the Program the Recorder section below.
The instructions below are designed for LEMR version 2023.10.9.1642 and later. If instructions for earlier versions are required, please contact LEMR Support.
1. Open the patient’s file in MedicalDirector Clinical.
2. Open the LEMR widget using the icon on the right side of the window and ensure the patient's height and weight information is up to date. If the height and weight data is out of date or not filled in on the widget, it is best to update this information in the MD Toolbox on the Weight tab. It is recommended to pin the sidebar open until the completed test is imported into MD Clinical. The widget is not active when the sidebar is hidden.
The “pin” button will keep the sidebar open.
3. Click on Start ABPM.
4. Select the target LEMR Client (if prompted)
5. LEMR Client should then ask if you would like to start the scheduled test. Choose ECGpro.
Note: If LEMR Client does not appear, click on the LEMR Client icon at the bottom of the screen or open LEMR Client from the desktop icon.
Then click on Sync Now at the lower left side of the LEMR Client window.
6. On-screen instructions to connect your AMEDTEC ABPM (Holter-RR) device to your computer will appear on the screen. Start by connecting the round plug into the side of the ABPM device.
WARNING - Be gentle with the round plug on the side; the small pins inside can easily be damaged!
Line the two red dots up before pushing the cable into the socket. Gently push it directly in until there is a satisfying click sound and it locks into place – do not rotate the plug!
7.Turn on the AMEDTEC ABPM (Holter-RR) by pressing the red power button. You should see “co” on the screen of the device indicating that it is connected. A device found message should appear then ECGPro will open.
8. Click on Prepare Recorder.
9. Adjust the day/night time intervals as required and click Transmit, and activate the selected protocol.
Note: If you are asked to clear the memory of the device, please be sure that you have already downloaded the data on the recorder before clicking yes.
10. Disconnect your AMEDTEC ABPM (Holter-RR) device from your computer, place the ABPM cuff on the patient and the recorder into the pouch.
Follow the instructions printed on the cuff for placement. The pressure tube must go up and over the shoulder. Also make sure the cuff is 2 to 3cm from the arm joint. Also make sure you can fit two fingers between the cuff and the patient’s arm.
11. Press the Play button on the recorder to start the first test – the automatic schedule will begin after this first manual test is complete.
Follow this procedure when the patient returns after 24 hours of testing.
1. In MedicalDirector Clinical,open the patient’s file where the ABPM report will be imported.
2. Open the LEMR widget using the icon on the right of the window.
3. Click on Start ABPM.
4. Select the target LEMR Client (if prompted).
5. LEMR Client should appear asking if you would like to start the scheduled test. Choose ECGpro.
Note: If LEMR Client does not appear, click on the LEMR Client icon at the bottom of the screen or open LEMR Client from the desktop icon.
Then click on Sync Now at the lower left side of the LEMR Client window.
6. On-screen instructions to connect your AMEDTEC ABPM (Holter-RR) device to your computer will appear on the screen. Start by connecting the round plug into the side of the ABPM device.
WARNING - Be gentle with the round plug on the side; the small pins inside can easily be damaged!
Line the two red dots up before pushing the cable into the socket. Gently push it directly in until there is a satisfying click sound and it locks into place – do not rotate the plug!
7.Turn on the AMEDTEC ABPM (Holter-RR) by pressing the red power button. You should see “co” on the screen of the device indicating that it is connected. A device found message should appear then ECGPro will open.
8. In the AMEDTEC software, click on Download Recording.
9. Click on the big button with the patient’s name on it – there should only be one to click on, contact support if there are two items in the list.
10. Click either Review recording, Print recording or Exit as required.
11. When the LEMR Client window pops up, the test should be made ready for MedicalDirector Clinical to collect - the test icon will go from an uploading icon to a circled tick.
12. The report will automatically import into the Documents tab (or the ECG Toolbox if set in widget settings) in MedicalDirector Clinical.